First of all, you may have noticed that numbers higher than 999 are written with dots (or spaces) and not with commas.

  • In French 1,123,241 is written 1.123.241 or 1 123 241 .

1.000 is written mille. It is invariable. So, no "s" for mille.

Numbers Spelling Audio. Press to listen!
1.000 mille
2.000 deux mille
3.000 trois mille
4.000 quatre mille
5.000 cinq mille
6.000 six mille
7.000 sept mille
8.000 huit mille
9.000 neuf mille

Some examples:

Numbers Spelling
2.200 deux mille deux cents
3.450 trois mille quatre cent cinquante
7.272 sept mille deux cent soixante-douze