You will hear "en" in the following examples. Press the audio icon to hear the corresponding word.

Note that "en" and "an" are pronounced the same way.

French English
encore Audio. Press to listen! again
comprendre Audio. Press to listen! to understand
les parents Audio. Press to listen! the parents
un camembert (*) Audio. Press to listen! a camembert (=a French cheese)

note (*) that "en" before "p" or "b" is written "em".

French English
un enfant Audio. Press to listen! a child
un croissant Audio. Press to listen! a croissant (French speciality)
le gagnant Audio. Press to listen! the winner
un tambour (**) Audio. Press to listen! a drum

note (**) that "an" before "p" or "b" is written "am".